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Lesson Transcript

Peter: Goedendag allemaal! Mijn naam is Peter
Judith: Judith here! Absolute Beginner Season 1 , Lesson 22 - Choosing Hobbies is Hard in the Netherlands
Judith: Hello, and welcome to DutchPOD101.com, where we study modern Dutch in a fun, educational format!
Peter: So, brush up on the Dutch that you started learning long ago, or start learning today.
Judith: Thanks for being here with us for this lesson, Peter, what are we looking at in this lesson?
Judith: In this lesson you'll will learn how to talk about hobbies in Dutch.
Peter: This conversation takes place at a Dutch home.
Judith: The conversation is between Marijke and Loes.
Peter: The speakers are close, therefore they will be speaking informal Dutch.
Judith: Let’s listen to the conversation!

Lesson conversation

M: Ik denk dat ik een nieuwe hobby ga beginnen. Doe je mee?
L: Goed idee. Ik vind zwemmen leuk en ik vind fietsen leuk.
M: Ik vind zwemmen leuk, maar ik hou niet van fietsen.
L: Dan gaan we met zwemmen beginnen of we gaan iets anders doen.
M: Ik wil ook wel fietsen, want ik weet dat jij dat erg leuk vindt.
L: Waarom gaan we niet op dansen, of we gaan een cursus volgen.
M: We kunnen naar de Volksuniversiteit, want je kan daar uit heel veel cursussen kiezen.
L: Je kan kiezen uit zoveel cursussen dat je door de bomen het bos niet meer ziet. (haha)
M: Goed. Morgen gaan we met een cursus beginnen.
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
M: Ik denk dat ik een nieuwe hobby ga beginnen. Doe je mee?
L: Goed idee. Ik vind zwemmen leuk en ik vind fietsen leuk.
M: Ik vind zwemmen leuk, maar ik hou niet van fietsen.
L: Dan gaan we met zwemmen beginnen of we gaan iets anders doen.
M: Ik wil ook wel fietsen, want ik weet dat jij dat erg leuk vindt.
L: Waarom gaan we niet op dansen, of we gaan een cursus volgen.
M: We kunnen naar de Volksuniversiteit, want je kan daar uit heel veel cursussen kiezen.
L: Je kan kiezen uit zoveel cursussen dat je door de bomen het bos niet meer ziet. (haha)
M: Goed. Morgen gaan we met een cursus beginnen.
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
M: Ik denk dat ik een nieuwe hobby ga beginnen. Doe je mee?
Judith: I think that I’m going to start a new hobby. Will you join in?
L: Goed idee. Ik vind zwemmen leuk en ik vind fietsen leuk.
Judith: Good idea. I find swimming fun and I find biking fun.
M: Ik vind zwemmen leuk, maar ik hou niet van fietsen.
Judith: I find swimming fun, but I don’t like biking.
L: Dan gaan we met zwemmen beginnen of we gaan iets anders doen.
Judith: Then we’ll begin with swimming or we’ll do something else.
M: Ik wil ook wel fietsen, want ik weet dat jij dat erg leuk vindt.
Judith: I’d like to bike too, because I know that you find it really fun.
L: Waarom gaan we niet op dansen, of we gaan een cursus volgen.
Judith: Why don’t we go dancing, or take a class.
M: We kunnen naar de Volksuniversiteit, want je kan daar uit heel veel cursussen kiezen.
Judith: We can go to the Volksuniversiteit, because you can choose from a lot of courses there.
L: Je kan kiezen uit zoveel cursussen dat je door de bomen het bos niet meer ziet. (haha)
Judith: You can choose from so many courses that you can’t see the forest for the trees. (haha)
M: Goed. Morgen gaan we met een cursus beginnen.
Judith: Good. Tomorrow we’ll start [with] a course.
Judith: Okay, what is this ‘volksuniversiteit’ ?
Peter: The volksuniversiteit is a place where lots of short courses are offered - “cursussen”. The Dutch just love them. Especially in the ‘volksuniversiteit’ which is a kind of adult education centre where many courses are offered.
Judith: These courses can last from a few weeks up to a few months in length.
Peter: There are ‘volksuniversiteiten’ , which means ‘university of the people’ , in 400 locations offering more than 2000 different courses. Also people can choose from 30 languages as well as courses on art, culture, and more.
Judith: The Dutch also like ‘fietsen (to bike). There is a lot of cycling in the Netherlands. In no other country in the world with a similar level of wealth do people cycle as much.
Peter: The Dutch just love to cycle and have very positive opinions on bikes, 84% of Dutch people like to bike. The Dutch bike mainly because they find it a comfortable and reliable means of transportation. And let’s not forget the Netherlands is a tiny country so distances are small.
Judith: Also bikes because are quiet, there are no annoyances, no delays, they are always on time, and are cheap.
Peter: They are independent and mobile, not to mention flexible, this make bikes highly valued, only slightly less than cars.
Judith: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is:
Peter: hobby [natural native speed]
Judith: hobby
Peter: hob-by [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: hobby [natural native speed]
Peter: beginnen [natural native speed]
Judith: to start
Peter: be-gin-nen [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: beginnen [natural native speed]
Peter: meedoen [natural native speed]
Judith: to join in, participate
Peter: mee-doen [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: meedoen [natural native speed]
Peter: zwemmen [natural native speed]
Judith: to swim
Peter: zwem-men [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: zwemmen [natural native speed]
Peter: fietsen [natural native speed]
Judith: to ride a bike
Peter: fiets-en [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: fietsen [natural native speed]
Peter: dansen [natural native speed]
Judith: to dance
Peter: dan-sen [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: dansen [natural native speed]
Peter: cursus [natural native speed]
Judith: course
Peter: cur-sus [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: cursus [natural native speed]
Peter: volgen [natural native speed]
Judith: to follow
Peter: vol-gen [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: volgen [natural native speed]
Peter: veel [natural native speed]
Judith: a lot
Peter: veel [slowly]
Peter: veel [natural native speed]
Peter: zoveel [natural native speed]
Judith: so many/much
Peter: zo-veel [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: zoveel [natural native speed]
Peter: kiezen [natural native speed]
Judith: to choose
Peter: kie-zen [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: kiezen [natural native speed]
Peter: boom [natural native speed]
Judith: tree
Peter: boom [slowly]
Peter: boom [natural native speed]
Peter: bos [natural native speed]
Judith: forest
Peter: bos [slowly]
Peter: bos [natural native speed]
Judith: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Peter: The first phrase we’ll look at is...."Door de bomen het bos niet meer zien"
Judith: is a Dutch saying meaning "Can't see the forest for the trees". It's an exact translation of the English saying, actually. In this dialogue, Loes means there are so many different courses that it will be difficult to choose just one.
Peter: "Mee" is a Dutch verb prefix that means "along". "Meekomen" is "to come along", "meegaan" is "to go along" and "meedoen" would be "to do along" - in English you'd say "to join in [an activity]". There can be lots of words with "mee" in Dutch; it's way more common than in English. And take care, look out, be aware, in a sentence, the "mee" will always be placed at the end.

Lesson focus

Grammar The focus of this lesson is coordinating conjunctions.
A Today we will take a look at coordinating conjunctions in Dutch. These are words that connect two sentences.
B In Dutch, the words are "en" (and), "of" (or), "want" (because), and "maar" (but).
1 Marijke gaat zwemmen, of zij gaat fietsen. = Marijke goes swimming or she goes biking.
2 Marijke houdt van zwemmen en Loes houdt van fietsen. = Marijke likes swimming and Loes likes biking.
3 Marijke houdt van zwemmen, maar ze houdt ook van fietsen = Marijke likes swimming, but she also likes biking.
4 Marijke houdt van zwemmen, want ze houdt van water = Marijke likes swimming, because she likes water.


Judith: That just about does it for today.
Judith: Attention perfectionists! You're about to learn how to perfect your pronunciation.
Peter: Lesson Review Audio Tracks.
Judith: Increase fluency and vocabulary fast with these short, effective audio tracks.
Peter: Super simple to use. Listen to the Dutch word or phrase...
Judith: then repeat it out loud in a loud clear voice.
Peter: You'll speak with confidence knowing that you're speaking Dutch like the locals.
Judith: Go to DutchPod101.com, and download the Review Audio Tracks right on the lessons page today!
Judith: See you next week!
Peter: Tot Ziens! Doei!

