
Catching up with an Old Dutch Friend

Learn about pronunciation and how to make small talk

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Video News #88 - Free Dutch Gifts of the Month - August 2024

Video News
Get your learning gifts for the month of August 2024
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Dutch Explained #2 - Top Adjectives to Describe People - Part 2

Dutch Explained
Review the top adjectives to describe people

Dutch Explained #1 - Top Adjectives to Describe People - Part 1

Dutch Explained
Learn the top adjectives to describe people

Daily Conversations for Absolute Beginners #13 - How Much Should You Tip in the Netherlands? — Video Conversation

Daily Conversations for Absolute Beginners
Learn how to ask for the bill at a restaurant and decide how much to tip with this video conversation

Inner Circle S1 #125 - June 2024 Inner Circle: The Right Mindset for Language Learning Success

Inner Circle
Learn the mindset needed to succeed in your language learning

Monthly Review Video #68 - 4 Tests to Improve your Dutch July 2024 review

Monthly Review Video
Discover your new learning strategies, free resources of the month and website updates.

Video News #87 - Free Dutch Gifts of the Month - July 2024

Video News
Get your learning gifts for the month of July 2024

Daily Conversations for Absolute Beginners #11 - What's a Good Price for a Computer in the Netherlands? — Video Conversation

Daily Conversations for Absolute Beginners
Learn how to use the comparative and superlative to talk about special offers with this video conversation