
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Peter: Goedendag allemaal! Mijn naam is Peter.
Judith: Judith here! Absolute Beginner Season 1 , Lesson 8 - Call me!
Judith: Hello, and welcome to DutchPOD101.com, the fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Dutch!
Peter: I'm Peter, and thanks again for being here with us for this Absolute Beginner S1 lesson.
Judith: In this lesson you'll will learn how to exchange phone numbers.
Peter: This conversation takes place at a Dutch café.
Judith: The conversation is between Anna and Marijke.
Peter: The speakers are friends, therefore they will be speaking informal Dutch.
Judith: Let’s listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

A: Wil je nog een kopje koffie?
M: Nee, ik wil geen koffie meer.
A: Nu je hier woont, blijven we in contact, hè.
M: Natuurlijk, wil je mijn telefoonnummer hebben?
A: Ja, en mijn telefoonnummer is: 06-17723404.
M: Mijn nummer is 06-93820518.
A: Ik moet straks naar de markt om bloemen te kopen.
M: Ik ben gek op bloemen. Ik wil ook bloemen kopen.
A: Een goed idee, we gaan samen naar de markt.
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
A: Wil je nog een kopje koffie?
M: Nee, ik wil geen koffie meer.
A: Nu je hier woont, blijven we in contact, hè.
M: Natuurlijk, wil je mijn telefoonnummer hebben?
A: Ja, en mijn telefoonnummer is: 06-17723404.
M: Mijn nummer is 06-93820518.
A: Ik moet straks naar de markt om bloemen te kopen.
M: Ik ben gek op bloemen. Ik wil ook bloemen kopen.
A: Een goed idee, we gaan samen naar de markt.
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
A: Wil je nog een kopje koffie?
Judith: Do you want another cup of coffee?
M: Nee, ik wil geen koffie meer.
Judith: No, I don’t want any more coffee.
A: Nu je hier woont, blijven we in contact, hè.
Judith: Now that you live here, we’ll stay in contact, right?
M: Natuurlijk, wil je mijn telefoonnummer hebben?
Judith: Of course, do you want to have my phone number?
A: Ja, en mijn telefoon nummer is
Judith: Yes, and my phone number is
M: Mijn nummer is 06-93820518.
Judith: My number is 06-93820518.
A: Ik moet straks naar de markt om bloemen te kopen.
Judith: I need [to go] to the market in a while to buy flowers.
M: Ik ben gek op bloemen. Ik wil ook bloemen kopen.
Judith: I’m crazy about flowers. I want to buy flowers too.
A: Een goed idee, we gaan samen naar de markt.
Judith: A good idea, we [can] go to the market together.
Judith: Maybe this very stereotypical , the Dutch are all about flowers. Is it really like that?
Peter: Well flowers are very important for the Dutch. Holland is a ‘flower country”. It is common to buy flowers for example at the market or in a flower shop for yourself or as a gift for when you are invited to attend an event, for example a birthday party.
Judith: The Netherlands are famous for the flowers and export of flowers. The tulip is the most famous of these.
Peter: Yes, but the tulips do not originate in the Netherlands, however; they didn’t grow there until the 16th century when Carolus Clusius was given some tulip bulbs by the ambassador of Austria. The ambassador had been given these bulbs as a gift as well by the Sultan of Turkey. Tulips - very European.
Judith: It’s an interesting story to go from the Sultan of Turkey by way of Austria to the Netherlands.
Peter: It’s pretty interesting but the Dutch are always famous to be everywhere also with trade.
Judith: A famous place in the Netherlands to admire all kinds of flowers is the Keukenhof park. The park is unique, world famous, and has been one of the most popular destinations in the Netherlands for sixty years.
Peter: Very much loved by Japanese tourists:
Judith: Not just Japanese I mention.
Peter: Not just Japanese and if you would be there you would love it as well.
Judith: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is:
Peter: willen [natural native speed]
Judith: to want
Peter: wil-len [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: willen [natural native speed]
Peter: geen [natural native speed]
Judith: not any, none
Peter: geen [slowly]
Peter: geen [natural native speed]
Peter: meer [natural native speed]
Judith: more, anymore
Peter: meer [slowly]
Peter: meer [natural native speed]
Peter: nu [natural native speed]
Judith: now
Peter: nu [slowly]
Peter: nu [natural native speed]
Peter: blijven [natural native speed]
Judith: to stay
Peter: blij-ven [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: blijven [natural native speed]
Peter: natuurlijk [natural native speed]
Judith: of course, naturally
Peter: na-tuurlijk [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: natuurlijk [natural native speed]
Peter: telefoonnummer [natural native speed]
Judith: phone number
Peter: te-le-foon-num-mer [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: telefoonnummer [natural native speed]
Peter: moeten [natural native speed]
Judith: must, have to
Peter: moe-ten [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: moeten [natural native speed]
Peter: straks [natural native speed]
Judith: in a while, later
Peter: straks [slowly]
Peter: straks [natural native speed]
Peter: naar [natural native speed]
Judith: to
Peter: naar [slowly]
Peter: naar [natural native speed]
Peter: markt [natural native speed]
Judith: market
Peter: markt [slowly]
Peter: markt [natural native speed]
Peter: bloem [natural native speed]
Judith: flower
Peter: bloem [slowly]
Peter: bloem [natural native speed]
Peter: kopen [natural native speed]
Judith: to buy
Peter: ko-pen [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: kopen [natural native speed]
Judith: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Peter: The first word we’ll look at is....
Peter: "Hè" here means that the speaker is asking for confirmation. "Blijven we in contact, hè." is like saying "We'll stay in contact, right?" or "We'll stay in contact, won't we?".
Judith: "Hè" is versatile though. It can also be used when someone is irritated.
Peter: For example, you might say “Hè, stop” which would then be translated as “Jeez, stop it now”.
Judith: "Moeten" (must) can be used without another verb in Dutch. You can say the equivalent of "I must to the market" and it is perfectly acceptable. The implied verb is "to go", of course "I must go to the market".
Peter: The expression “ik ben gek op...” is a common way to say that you really like something. It can be used in combination with anything you want. For example "ik ben gek op koffie" or "ik ben gek op appeltaart".

Lesson focus

Grammar The focus of this lesson is the numbers and "geen".
Judith: Peter, can you tell us the number 0 to 10 in Dutch?
Peter: Of course. Nul (zero), één (one), twee (two), drie (three), vier (four), vijf (five), zes (six), zeven (seven), acht (eight), negen (nine), tien (ten)
Judith: And repeat those again?
Peter: Nu ,één, twee, drie, vier, vijf, zes, zeven, acht, negen, tien.
Judith: Listeners, remember these well! There's one more thing today though...
Judith: You know that when we want to negate a sentence we use the word “niet” close to the word we want to make negative.
Peter: But if we want to make a noun negative, that is, if we want to say we don’t have any, we use “geen”.
Judith: This would be easier with some examples, do you have any?
Peter: Yes, of course!
1 Ik houd niet van bloemen. = I don't like flowers
2 Ik heb geen bloemen. = I don't have any flowers.
Peter: The "geen" takes the place of "not any" or “none”.


Judith: That just about does it for today.
Peter: There's nothing like a little competition...
Judith: even against yourself!
Peter: Test what you've learned in this lesson with our fun review quizzes!
Judith: Master vocabulary, grammar, and vocabulary with short, challenging quizzes.
Peter: Find these quizzes on the lessons page at DutchPod101.com
Judith: See you next week!
Peter: Doei!

