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Lesson Transcript

Hello, darlings! And welcome to this next Dutch lesson, where I will teach you how to say 10 phrases You Never Want to Hear. My name is Stella and I apologize in advance, because you will not like what I have to say to you today.
Let's jump right in there with the first one.
1. Ben je de laatste tijd iets aangekomen? "Have you gained weight recently?"
So, not really sure why you would want to say this to someone because it's usually
not received well. But if you ever feel the need to insult someone…
This one is slightly less bad.
2. Je hebt een grijze haar. "You have a gray hair."
This is still not exactly nice but this isn't
terrible either, I guess it depends on how you say it.
This next one is as annoying as it is satisfying.
3. Ik zei het toch! "I told you so!"
It's satisfying to the one who's saying it, of course.
Pro tip! Only say to yourself quietly in your head, or whisper it under your breath so people can't hear you.
Now, this is really one you don't want to have to say or hear.
4. Je bent ontslagen! "You're fired!"
So if you ever have to hear this, you would at least know it wasn't your perfect Dutch that did you in.
Ah! This one's terrible.
5. Het ligt niet aan jou maar aan mij. "It is not you, it is me."
Nasty one, isn’t? It’s because it invariably kind of is you, but that's okay, nobody's perfect, just have a good cry and move on.
6. Bedankt voor je CV. Helaas is de functie al ingevuld.
“Thank you for your resume. However, the position has been filled.”
So in Dutch, CV stands for curriculum vitae. We don't really have another word for it like the English have “resume” so this is an important one to remember.
Next one.
7. Ik maak het uit. "I'm breaking up with you."
So sorry to have to teach you these unpleasant things, but they are unfortunately a reality for most of us. So at least now you will be prepared, let's move on quickly.
So here's one that is bound to make you nervous.
8. We moeten praten. "We need to talk."
Not anyone's favorite sentence in the world, probably.
So be careful how you use it.
Moving on to the next sentence.
9. Sorry, ik ben het vergeten! "Sorry, I forgot!"
So this is something I have, unfortunately, said a lot. I try really hard, guys don't be mad.
Uoof, this last one isn't messing around at all.
10. U ben ernstig ziek. "You have serious disease."
Well, if that didn't lift your spirits, I don't know what will.
Sorry to have to leave you on such a series note but next lesson will be happier, I promise.
Thanks for watching this video about saying things in Dutch you really don't want to hear, or say, for that matter, and I'll see you next time.

