
Learn New Words FAST with this Lesson’s Vocab Review List

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Lesson Transcript

Hi there and welcome to this Dutch class. My name is Stella and today, we are going to talk about some different phrases that you can use to amaze native speakers of the Dutch language. Are you ready? Let’s go!
1. Dank je, maar eigenlijk ben ik geen native speaker. “Thank you, but I'm not a native speaker actually.”
After this class, people automatically assume that you’re a native speaker and then you can baffle them with this sentence - Dank je, maar eigenlijk ben ik geen native speaker. “Thank you, but I'm actually not a native speaker.”
So make sure that it comes out completely fluent, because you don’t want to ruin the effects. So, did you notice that the Dutch verb for native speaker is just “native speaker” borrowed from the English? That also makes it a little bit easier for you.
2. Ik had maar een jaar nodig om er vloeiend in te worden. “It only took me one year to become fluent.”
Next sentence - Ik had maar een jaar nodig om er vloeiend in te worden, and this means “It only took me one year to become fluent”.
Now don’t feel bad if it’s not true. Dutch is a notoriously difficult language to master, so it would probably take anyone more than a year.
3. Ik spreek in 3 jaar tijd Nederlands als een native speaker. “I’ll speak Dutch like a native speaker in 3 years.”
This one is much more realistic.
Ik spreek in 3 jaar tijd Nederlands als een native speaker. So this sentence is set like it’s like a New Year’s resolution, right? So if you want to say that as already happened, then you should use the past tense, so you could say - Ik sprak in 3 jaar tijd… instead of spreek.
4. Ik ben al 10 jaar Nederlands aan het leren. “I've been learning Dutch for 10 years.”
This next one is for everyone who feels that it’s going to take some more time.
Ik ben al 10 jaar Nederlands aan het leren. “I've been learning Dutch for 10 years.”
Let’s be honest, even Native Dutch speakers make mistakes. I’ve been learning Dutch for 27 years. It’s a hard language guys, so, don’t feel bad.
5. Ik kan Nederlandse films zonder ondertiteling kijken. “I can watch Dutch movies without subtitles.”
Here’s one that’s a true accomplishment and it’s within reach - Ik kan Nederlandse films zonder ondertiteling kijken. So this means “I can watch Dutch movies without subtitles.”
Now, the only question remaining is, why would you want to watch Dutch movies? I’m just kidding. There’s one movie that I really do like and can recommend and it’s called Minoes. The story is about Annie M.G Schmidt and it has Carice van Houten in it, so it’s a really great movie. It’s about a woman who’s actually a cat I think.
6. Ik kan ongeveer 50 nieuwe Nederlandse woorden per dag onthouden. “I can memorize around 50 new Dutch words a day.”
Next phrase - Ik kan ongeveer 50 nieuwe Nederlandse woorden per dag onthouden. “I can memorize around 50 new Dutch words a day.”
So, if that’s really true, then I applaud you. Fifty words is a lot to remember in one day.
7. Nederlands is leuk en makkelijk te leren! “Dutch is fun and easy to learn!”
Now, to be completely honest, I don’t agree with this. I feel it’s disheartening to say that any language is easy to learn. I mean sure, we’re trying to make it as easy as we can for you, but it takes a lot of hard work, and also, it really depends on what language you’re coming from, like, if you already speak German or something, it would be a lot easier.
So, however hard or easy you think it is, go you and you’re doing great.
8. Naast het Nederlands kan ik ook nog een paar andere talen spreken. “Apart from Dutch, I can speak a few other languages as well.”
So if you’re watching this, you at least speak English fairly well, and probably, you know Dutch by now, so good job, and if you don’t feel that that’s enough, I can recommend Swedish. It’s a pretty language.
9. Ik leer Nederlands helemaal zelf. “I'm learning Dutch all by myself.”
If you are, don’t do that. The key to any language is communication and, really, listening and speaking with others would really help you learning this language. So, whenever you can, try to practice your listening and speaking skills with a buddy who’s also learning Dutch or even better, with a Dutch native speaker. So, studying by yourself is impressive, but learning with a friend is faster and more fun. So, try to find someone to study with.
10. Ik begreep alles van wat je zei. “I completely understood everything you said.”
Now, things are going really well and someone is unsure about your Dutch skills, you can say this - Ik begreep alles van wat je zei. “I completely understood everything you said.”
So Dutch people will switch to English when they think that maybe it’s easier for you. So, to prevent them from doing that, make sure you can say this sentence, so you can practice your listening skills and speaking skills to them.
So, congratulations on finishing this lesson in 10 phrases you can use to amaze native Dutch speakers with. Thank you for watching. If there’s anything you want to know more about, let me know in the comments. Thanks for watching!

