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Lesson Transcript

M.: Hi everyone, Mies here, and welcome back to Basic Boot Camp Lesson 2: Talking Nationality in Dutch. This is the second in a five-part series that will help you ease your way into Dutch.
J: Ik heet Jacob. I’m Jacob!
Lesson Details
M: In this lesson, you will learn how to introduce yourself and tell people where you are from.
J: Which is essential while traveling to Holland, because that will be the first question people will probably want to ask you.
M: Whether you’re in a language class, in a new country, or in your own city, in our small world, you can always find someone from somewhere else.
J: And in this Boot Camp lesson, we’ll be talking about our nationality.
M: We’ll teach you two different ways of telling your nationality.
J: So listen to these Dutch students talking about where they are from. And while you’re listening, try to guess their nationality.
M: So, if you do some mental gymnastics, you might be able to guess the nationality.

Lesson conversation

Jacob: Hallo. Ik heet Jacob. Ik ben Nederlands.
Mies: Hallo. Ik heet Mies. Ik ben Belgisch.
M: Let’s hear it slowly now.
J: Laten we nog eens luisteren, langzaam nu.
Jacob: Hallo. Ik heet Jacob, ik ben Nederlands.
Mies: Hallo. Ik heet Mies. Ik ben Belgisch.
M: And now with the translation.
J: En nu met de vertaling.
Jacob: Hallo. Ik heet Jacob. Ik ben Nederlands.
Mies: Hello. My name is Jacob. I'm Dutch.
Mies: Hallo. Ik heet Mies. Ik ben Belgisch.
Mies: Hello. My name is Mies. I'm Belgian.
Banter - Same as the cultural insight (12 lines)
J. I heard the Netherlands is not the only place where Dutch is spoken.
M.: That is right, they speak Dutch in Belgium too.
J. Yes, in Belgium it’s sometimes called Flemish but basically it's the same as Dutch.
M: The language just sounds a bit softer, less guttural.
J: Yeah in Holland we say “Goedemorgen” ( strong G) in Belgium it is “Goedemorgen” ( soft G)
M. I heard they speak Dutch in South Africa and Suriname too?
J. Correct, South Africa and Suriname both were Dutch colonies.
M. So I can go on a holiday here too and use my Dutch!
J. Great Idea! In South Africa the language is called “Afrikaans” and sounds a little different again.
M. What does it sound like?
J: Well I guess you just have to go over there to find out for yourself.
M. Well I need a holiday anyway… okay I’m going!
J. Wait! Let’s study a bit more Dutch first.
M. Okay, lets take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Vocabulary and Phrases
Mies: The first word we shall see is:
Jacob: hallo [natural native speed]
Mies: hello (informal)
Jacob: hal-lo [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jacob: hallo [natural native speed]
Mies: Next:
Jacob: ik [natural native speed]
Mies: I
Jacob: ik [slowly]
Jacob: ik [natural native speed]
Mies: Next:
Jacob: heet ( heten) [natural native speed]
Mies: be called
Jacob: heet ( heten) [slowly]
Jacob: heet ( heten) [natural native speed]
Mies: Next:
Jacob: ben [natural native speed]
Mies: am
Jacob: ben [slowly]
Jacob: ben [natural native speed]
Mies: Next:
Jacob: Nederlands [natural native speed]
Mies: Dutch (nationality)
Jacob: Ne-der-lands [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jacob: Nederlands [natural native speed]
Mies: Next:
Jacob: Belgisch [natural native speed]
Mies: Belgian (nationality)
Jacob: Bel-gisch [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jacob: Belgisch [natural native speed]
Mies: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
J: Cool, we already learned the greeting “Hallo, ik heet Mies” in Bootcamp Lesson one.
M: And “Hoe heet jij?”
J: Right, “Ik heet Jacob “I’m Jacob”
M: Now before you say your nationality, you need one word. It is important and you will use it all the time.
J: “Ben”
M: That’s right. The word means “I am” in English. Can you say it one more time slowly?
J: “Ben”
M: And one more time fast?
J: “Ben”
M: So in the dialogue, we heard the speaker say: “Ik ben” and then his nationality
J: “Ik ben Nederlands"
M: And how would you say “I’m Belgian” in Dutch?
J: “Ik ben Belgisch”
M: Lets practice a bit more, “German” is “Duits” in Dutch, Can you say “I’m German?”
J: “Ik ben Duits”
M: Great! Now lets see…now you are Japanese, which is “Japans“ in Dutch. Listeners, please repeat.
J: “Ik ben Japans”
M: Sounds easy, but let’s move on to the grammar section.
J: Yes, we’ll have to tackle a trickier subject there. But don’t worry, we’ll make it as easy as possible.
M: Good idea!

Lesson focus

M: The focus of this lesson is asking where people are from. As we mentioned before there are different ways to say your nationality.
J: That’s right, we used the word “ben”, and say “ Ik ben Nederlands”
M: Lets have a closer look at the verb “ben”
J: Okay, we learned: “Ik ben Nederlands” which is; pronoun -verb -adjective.
M: Yes, so when the pronoun changes the verb changes with it.
J: Okay, tell me how they change.
M: We know “I am” (”ik ben”) , now let’s learn the others. Just repeat after me:
J: Hij is - He is
J: Hij is (slow)
M: Zij is - She is
J : Zij is (slow)
M: Wij zijn - We are
J: Wij zijn (slow)
M: Zij zijn - They are
J: Zij zijn (slow)
M: Het is - It is
J: Het is (slow)
M: Let’s try some more nationalities. Repeat after Jacob:
M: Japanese
J: Japans
J: Japans (slow)
M: and next
M: French
J: Frans
J: Frans (slow)
M: and next
M: American
J: Amerikaans
J: A-me-ri-kaans (slow)
M: And the last one
M: Italian
J: Italiaans
J: I-ta-li-aans (slow)
M: Nice, now can you say “He is German” in Dutch?
J: “Hij is Duits.”
M: Great. How about “We are Dutch”
J: Wij zijn Nederlands
M: Great. Now, listeners, try to make some simple sentences with your own nationality.
M: Have some fun!
J: You’ll find more of them in the lesson notes that accompany this lesson.
M: So, we hope everybody isn’t too tired after this boot camp!
J: Yeah! I think we’re pretty nice boot camp instructors. We don’t like...yell, at the listeners or anything like the boot camps I’ve seen.
M: So keep practicing and you’ll have these down in no time.


M: That’s it for this lesson.
J: Want a free way to build your Dutch vocabulary?
M: Follow our Dutch Word of the Day at DutchPod101.com.
J: See and hear the Word of the Day..
M: ..plus sample phrases and sentences.
J: Get these daily vocabulary alerts on Facebook, Twitter and the DutchPod101.com blog.
J: Thanks for listening. Dag!
M: See you!

