
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Gabriella:Hi everyone, Gabriella here! Welcome to DutchPod101.com. This is Lower Beginner Season 1, Lesson 18 You Can’t Go to the Netherlands Without Seeing the Windmills! – We’ll be talking about a sociable outing where two people go and take a look at some windmills.
Jacob:Hallo! I'm Jacob. We’re going to listen to a dialogue between Joop and Maud, who are two good friends by the sound of it.
Gabriella:In this lesson you'll learn some more useful Dutch with us, such as prepositions — you know those short little words that always come up, like near or at or under, etc.
Jacob:By the end of this lesson you will know these useful little words. These two friends are close, so they’ll be using informal Dutch with each other.
Gabriella:Can you tell if this conversation is on the phone or not?
Jacob:Not really, it could be anywhere. But anyhow, Let's listen to it.
Gabriella:Let's listen to the conversation.
Joop: Laten we aanstaande vrijdag naar de Zaanse Schans gaan.
Maud: Ja, leuk.
Joop: Wat zijn de openingstijden?
Maud: De meeste molens en musea zijn geopend van 9 uur ’s ochtends tot 5 uur ’s middags.
Joop: Laten we de files tijdens de spits vermijden. Zullen we rond 10 uur uit Amsterdam vertrekken?
Maud: Oké. Zullen we met mijn auto gaan?
Joop: Ja, prima. Dan kom ik op vrijdag om 10 uur in de ochtend naar jouw huis.
Maud: Gezellig, dan kunnen we daarna nog wat eten.
Gabriella: Let's hear the conversation one time slowly.
Joop: Laten we aanstaande vrijdag naar de Zaanse Schans gaan.
Maud: Ja, leuk.
Joop: Wat zijn de openingstijden?
Maud: De meeste molens en musea zijn geopend van 9 uur ’s ochtends tot 5 uur ’s middags.
Joop: Laten we de files tijdens de spits vermijden. Zullen we rond 10 uur uit Amsterdam vertrekken?
Maud: Oké. Zullen we met mijn auto gaan?
Joop: Ja, prima. Dan kom ik op vrijdag om 10 uur in de ochtend naar jouw huis.
Maud: Gezellig, dan kunnen we daarna nog wat eten.
Gabriella: Now let's hear it with the English translation.
Joop: Laten we aanstaande vrijdag naar de Zaanse Schans gaan.
Gabriella: Let's go to the "Zaanse Schans" next Friday.
Maud: Ja, leuk.
Gabriella: Yes, sounds good.
Joop: Wat zijn de openingstijden?
Gabriella: What are the opening hours?
Maud: De meeste molens en musea zijn geopend van 9 uur ’s ochtends tot 5 uur ’s middags.
Gabriella: Most of the windmills and museums are open from nine o'clock in the morning until five o'clock in the afternoon.
Joop: Laten we de files tijdens de spits vermijden. Zullen we rond 10 uur uit Amsterdam vertrekken?
Gabriella: Let's avoid the traffic jams during the rush hour. Shall we leave Amsterdam at about ten o'clock?
Maud: Oké. Zullen we met mijn auto gaan?
Gabriella: Okay. Shall we take my car?
Joop: Ja, prima. Dan kom ik op vrijdag om 10 uur in de ochtend naar jouw huis.
Gabriella: Yes, perfect. I will come to your house on Friday at ten o'clock in the morning.
Maud: Gezellig, dan kunnen we daarna nog wat eten.
Gabriella: Great, and then after that we could have dinner.
Gabriella:So the Zaanse schans is an important Dutch cultural site, isnt it?
Jacob:Yes it certainly is. Dutch windmills are famous all over the world and they are an impressive sight, especially when they move. Some of these mills, however, stood on a different site a long time ago. They were moved to put them next to the others and to conserve them. There are not only the windmills, but also old traditional wooden houses from the same period. A large open air museum, you could say.
Gabriella:Jacob, can you tell our listeners what else is really worth seeing in Holland?
Jacob:The flowers, especially the tulips of course. But you’ll have to come at the right time of the year. You wont get to see many flowers in mid-winter!
Gabriella:So, when is a good time to visit, Jacob?
Jacob:April or May is usually best. But of course there’s no guarantee for the weather, as in most other countries! Holland can be just as unpredictable! But if you’re out of luck with the weather, there are hundreds of interesting museums and old city centers too. You’ll never get bored.
Gabriella:So, you’ve heard it from Jacob - there’s enough to see, listeners! Okay, now Let's take a look at the vocabularies and phrases.
Jacob: vermijden [natural native speed]
Gabriella: to avoid
Jacob: vermijden [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jacob: vermijden [natural native speed]
Jacob: molen [natural native speed]
Gabriella: windmill
Jacob: molen [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jacob: molen [natural native speed]
Jacob : vertrekken [natural native speed]
Gabriella: to leave
Jacob: vertrekken [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jacob: vertrekken [natural native speed]
Jacob: aanstaande [natural native speed]
Gabriella: coming
Jacob: aanstaande [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jacob: aanstaande [natural native speed]
Jacob: geopend [natural native speed]
Gabriella: open
Jacob: geopend [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jacob: geopend [natural native speed]
Jacob: tijdens [natural native speed]
Gabriella: during
Jacob: tijdens [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jacob: tijdens [natural native speed]
Jacob: vrijdag [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Friday
Jacob: vrijdag [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jacob: vrijdag [natural native speed]
Jacob: openingstijd [natural native speed]
Gabriella: opening time
Jacob: openingstijd [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jacob: openingstijd [natural native speed]
Jacob: rond [natural native speed]
Gabriella: around
Jacob: rond [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jacob: rond [natural native speed]
Gabriella:Let’s take a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. For example, Joop starts the dialogue with Laten we and then uses it again later on. Is it some phrase to start a sentence?
Jacob:Yes, in a way. It’s actually a proposal that is equivalent to “let’s” in English. When you want to propose something, such as an activity, you can start your sentence with ´let’s´. So in Dutch you could say ´Laten we wat gaan drinken!´, which, as you may have guessed, means ´Let's go and have a drink´.
Gabriella:So what exactly is the meaning of Laten we de files tijdens de spits vermijden?
Jacob:Again it’s a proposal or piece of advice if you like. He means Let's avoid the traffic jams during rush hour. The word vermijden means to avoid, in this case the traffic jams during the rush hour. So a file' is a traffic jam and de spits is the rush hour.
Gabriella:What about the zullen we. It sounds a bit like the English Shall we?
Jacob:A very good guess! Zullen is an auxiliary verb that can be used in several ways. Again, it is a proposal here, but more of a question: Zullen we rond 10 uur uit Amsterdam vertrekken?, means shall we leave Amsterdam at about 10 o’clock?
Gabriella:So, when you say zullen we… it means that it’s your idea or proposal; its what you’d like to do, but put in such a way that the other person can easily disagree without being rude. You’re giving them the option.
Jacob:Yes, so zullen we …' and laten we... are quite close in meaning - you can interchange them to keep the conversation interesting.
Gabriella:OK, sounds good, Jacob! Okay, now onto the grammar.

Lesson focus

Gabriella:In this lesson, we’re going to learn about prepositions of time and date. You may have noticed there are a lot of prepositions in this lesson’s dialogue!
Jacob:Yes both prepositions for time and date and for place and direction.
Gabriella:Yes, there are so many. Just look at those for time. Op vrijdag, om 10 uur in de ochtend, meaning on Friday at 10 o’clock in the morning. So the preposition for the day is different to the one for the hour and also different for the one from morning or afternoon.
Jacob:Yes, but there are more, even in this short conversation. The windmills and museums are open van 9 uur s ochtends tot 5 uur s middags. In English this is from 9 in de morning till 5 in the afternoon.
Gabriella:OK, so the Dutch van is from and the Dutch tot means until?
Gabriella:But before we had Om 10 uur in de ochtend, meaning, at 10 o’clock in the morning. Here the Dutch preposition in seems to have disappeared.
Jacob:Yes, but as you can hear Maud talks about s ochtends and s middags, with the apostrophe before the s. This actually derives from old Dutch. Very few words still have it. But anyway it replaces the preposition.
Gabriella:Are there any more prepositions of time or date in this dialogue?
Jacob:Yes, there are. Joop wants to avoid the traffic jams and proposes to leave around 10. He says Zullen we de files tijdens de spits vermijden? In English that would be: Shall we avoid the traffic jams during rush hour? So the preposition tijdens means during. And finally to leave around 10, in Dutch rond 10 uur.
Gabriella:So there are also prepositions that are not so specific, like during and around.
Jacob:Yes definitely, tijdens and rond are not very precise, but important words.
Gabriella:Shall we have a look at the prepositions for place and direction now?
Jacob:Well look at the first line. Zullen we naar de Zaanse Schans gaan? Meaning Shall we go to the Zaanse Schans? Here naar means to. It is a very common word, just like in English. Naar huis gaan is going home, Het vliegtuig gaat naar boven means The plane is going up. So it is basically to describe any direction vertically or horizontally.
Gabriella:So that one at least sounds easy. Any others?
Jacob:If you leave from somewhere you use the preposition uit. So Zullen we om 10 uur uit Amsterdam vertrekken?means shall we leave Amsterdam at 10 o’clock?
Gabriella:So when you go to Amsterdam, you say ´Ik ga naar Amsterdam´, and when you leave the capital, youll say ´Ik vertrek uit Amsterdam´
Jacob:Yes, that’s it. You will also see “vertrekhal”, meaning “departure lounge” in Schiphol airport.
Gabriella:Indeed you will!


Gabriella:Okay, that’s it for this lesson. Thanks for listening everybody! Don’t forget your homework, and we look forward to you joining us again in the next lesson!
Jacob:Tot ziens!

