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Lesson Transcript

Becky: Must-Know Dutch Social Media Phrases Season 1 Lesson 4 - Sharing a Song
Becky: Hi, everyone. I'm Becky.
Jacob: And I'm Jacob.
Becky: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Dutch about sharing music or videos. Sanne shares a song she just heard at a party, posts a link to it, and leaves this comment.
Jacob: Leuk nummer dit! Gisteren gehoord op een feestje.
Becky: Meaning - "This is a great song! I heard it at a party yesterday." Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
Sanne: Leuk nummer dit! Gisteren gehoord op een feestje.
(clicking sound)
Stephanie: Lekker dansnummertje.
Bob: Ik ken deze al 2 maanden.
Linda: Was het een leuk feestje?
Erik: Super! Fijne beat.
Becky: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
Sanne: Leuk nummer dit! Gisteren gehoord op een feestje.
Becky: "This is a great song! I heard it at a party yesterday."
(clicking sound)
Stephanie: Lekker dansnummertje.
Becky: "Great song to dance to."
Bob: Ik ken deze al 2 maanden.
Becky: "I’ve known about this for two months already."
Linda: Was het een leuk feestje?
Becky: "Was it a nice party?"
Erik: Super! Fijne beat.
Becky: "Great! Nice beat."
Becky: Listen again to Sanne's post.
Jacob: Leuk nummer dit! Gisteren gehoord op een feestje.
Becky: "This is a great song! I heard it at a party yesterday."
Jacob: (SLOW) Leuk nummer dit! Gisteren gehoord op een feestje. (Regular) Leuk nummer dit! Gisteren gehoord op een feestje.
Becky: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "This is a great song!"
Jacob: Leuk nummer dit!
Becky: Here, we have the Dutch word…
Jacob: nummer.
Becky: It can refer to a song but it also means "number." Listen again - "This is a great song!" is...
Jacob: (SLOW) Leuk nummer dit! (REGULAR) Leuk nummer dit!
Becky: Then comes the phrase - "I heard it at a party yesterday."
Jacob: Gisteren gehoord op een feestje.
Becky: Thursday is usually student night in the Netherlands. Fridays are great for an afterwork drink followed by a party. Both Fridays and Saturdays are great for clubbing. In the summer, there are a lot of outdoor festivals both in Belgium and the Netherlands, even though the weather is not always great. Listen again - "I heard it at a party yesterday" is...
Jacob: (SLOW) Gisteren gehoord op een feestje. (REGULAR) Gisteren gehoord op een feestje.
Becky: All together, it's "This is a great song! I heard at a party yesterday."
Jacob: Leuk nummer dit! Gisteren gehoord op een feestje.
Becky: In response, Sanne's friends leave some comments.
Becky: Her high school friend, Stephanie, uses an expression meaning - "Great song to dance to."
Jacob: (SLOW) Lekker dansnummertje. (REGULAR) Lekker dansnummertje.
Jacob: Lekker dansnummertje.
Becky: Use this expression to show you like it.
Becky: Her nephew, Bob, uses an expression meaning - "I’ve known about this for two months already."
Jacob: (SLOW) Ik ken deze al 2 maanden. (REGULAR) Ik ken deze al 2 maanden.
Jacob: Ik ken deze al 2 maanden.
Becky: Use this expression to say this is an old song.
Becky: Her neighbor, Linda, uses an expression meaning - "Was it a nice party?"
Jacob: (SLOW) Was het een leuk feestje? (REGULAR) Was het een leuk feestje?
Jacob: Was het een leuk feestje?
Becky: Use this expression to ask how their night was.
Becky: Her college friend, Erik, uses an expression meaning - "Great! Nice beat."
Jacob: (SLOW) Super! Fijne beat. (REGULAR) Super! Fijne beat.
Jacob: Super! Fijne beat.
Becky: Use this expression to show you like it too.


Becky: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about a song or video, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know, and we'll see you next time!
Jacob: Doei.

