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Lesson Transcript


Peter: Goedendag, mijn naam is Peter!
Judith: Judith here! Upper Beginner Season 1 , Lesson 6 - Filling Out Forms in Dutch
Peter: Hello everyone! I'm Peter, and welcome to DutchPOD101.com.
Judith: With us, you'll learn to speak Dutch with fun and effective lessons.
Peter: We also provide you with cultural insights...
Judith: ...and tips you won't find in a textbook.
Judith: In this lesson you'll will learn how to complete a form in Dutch.
Peter: This conversation takes place at Marleen's home.
Judith: The conversation is between Marleen and Paul.
Peter: The speakers are neighbours, therefore they will be speaking informal Dutch.
Judith: Let’s listen to the conversation?
Paul: Hallo, Marleen. Kan je me even helpen?
Marleen: Ja, natuurlijk.
Paul: Ik moet dit formulier invullen.
Marleen: Geef maar. Voornaam, hier vul je Paul in en bij achternaam vul je Brown in. Geboortedatum, wanneer was dat?
Paul: vijftien december, 1981.
Marleen: Hier vul je je adres in, dus waar je nu woont en de stad. Bij nationaliteit vul je Amerikaan in. Je bent toch Amerikaans?
Paul: Ja. Wat vul je bij "identiteitsbewijs" in?
Marleen: Daar vul je het nummer van je paspoort in.
Paul: En wat vul je bij "handtekening" in?
Marleen: Daar moet je ondertekenen.
Paul: Dank je wel. Ik heb dit nodig voor de verzekering.
Marleen: Graag gedaan!
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Paul: Hallo, Marleen. Kan je me even helpen?
Marleen: Ja, natuurlijk.
Paul: Ik moet dit formulier invullen.
Marleen: Geef maar. Voornaam, hier vul je Paul in en bij achternaam vul je Brown in. Geboortedatum, wanneer was dat?
Paul: vijftien december, 1981.
Marleen: Hier vul je je adres in, dus waar je nu woont en de stad. Bij nationaliteit vul je Amerikaan in. Je bent toch Amerikaans?
Paul: Ja. Wat vul je bij "identiteitsbewijs" in?
Marleen: Daar vul je het nummer van je paspoort in.
Paul: En wat vul je bij "handtekening" in?
Marleen: Daar moet je ondertekenen.
Paul: Dank je wel. Ik heb dit nodig voor de verzekering.
Marleen: Graag gedaan!
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Paul: Hallo, Marleen. Kan je me even helpen?
Judith: Hello, Marleen. Could you help me for a moment?
Marleen: Ja, natuurlijk.
Judith: Yes, of course.
Paul: Ik moet dit formulier invullen.
Judith: I need to fill out this form.
Marleen: Geef maar. Voornaam, hier vul je Paul in en bij achternaam vul je Brown in. Geboortedatum, wanneer was dat?
Judith: Give it to me. First, name. Here you fill in "Paul," and for last name, you fill in "Brown." Date of birth, when was that?
Paul: vijftien december, 1981.
Judith: December fifteenth, 1981.
Marleen: Hier vul je je adres in, dus waar je nu woont en de stad. Bij nationaliteit vul je Amerikaan in. Je bent toch Amerikaans?
Judith: Here you fill in your address, so where you live now and the city. For nationality you fill in American. You are American, right?
Paul: Ja. Wat vul je bij "identiteitsbewijs" in?
Judith: Yes. What do you fill in for "identity card"?
Marleen: Daar vul je het nummer van je paspoort in.
Judith: There you fill in your passport number.
Paul: En wat vul je bij "handtekening" in?
Judith: And what do you fill in for "signature"?
Marleen: Daar moet je ondertekenen.
Judith: You have to sign there.
Paul: Dank je wel. Ik heb dit nodig voor de verzekering.
Judith: Thank you very much. I need this for insurance.
Marleen: Graag gedaan!
Judith: You're welcome!
Judith: When you move to the Netherlands you will be confronted with a lot of bureaucracy, a lot of forms and they can be quite difficult to understand. Maybe you feel a bit better about that when you realise that also the Dutch people have trouble understanding forms.
Peter: Also good to know that recent government policy has focused on the development of improved forms which means more in “everyday” language. The influence of language researchers did a lot of research on Dutch forms and the language that is used on it is clearly visible in this new policy. And also know that even if you have a problem filling in a form , people are always kind enough to help you.
Judith: So in case of doubt..ask your friendly Dutch neighbour like Paul did.
Peter: And that’s even more ‘gezellig’!
Vocabulary and Phrases
Judith: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Peter: formulier [natural native speed]
Judith: form
Peter: for-mu-lier [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: formulier [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: invullen [natural native speed]
Judith: to fill out, fill in
Peter: in-vul-len [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: invullen [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: geboortedatum [natural native speed]
Judith: date of birth
Peter: ge-boor-te-da-tum [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: geboortedatum [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: nationaliteit [natural native speed]
Judith: nationality
Peter: na-ti-o-na-li-teit [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: nationaliteit [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: identiteitsbewijs [natural native speed]
Judith: identity card
Peter: i-den-ti-teits-be-wijs [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: identiteitsbewijs [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: paspoort [natural native speed]
Judith: passport
Peter: pas-poort [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: paspoort [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: handtekening [natural native speed]
Judith: signature
Peter: hand-te-ke-ning [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: handtekening [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: ondertekenen [natural native speed]
Judith: to sign
Peter: on-der-te-ke-nen [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: ondertekenen [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: verzekering [natural native speed]
Judith: insurance
Peter: ver-ze-ke-ring [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: verzekering [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: december [natural native speed]
Judith: December
Peter: de-cem-ber [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: december [natural native speed]
Judith: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Peter: The first word we’ll look at is....
1: Naam = name; “naam” is only used when asking what someone’s name is. When you filling in a form, “voornaam” refers to your first name and “achternaam” to your surname. Literally translated they mean “the name in front” and “the name behind”.
2: Just like the English word “birthdate”, “geboortedatum” can be seen as two distinct parts - “geboorte” (birth) and “datum” (date). Similarly, “identiteitsbewijs” consists of “identiteit” (identity) and “bewijs” (proof), so it's literally “proof of identity”. “Handtekening” is literally “hand-drawing” or if you want “hand-marking”.
Grammar Point
Judith: Particles are important because they add shades of meaning to sentences.
Peter: Some of the most common Dutch particles are “even”, “maar” and “toch”.
1: “Even” shows that something is only for a brief duration. For example “kom even hier” (come here for a second).
2: “Maar” is used to encourage someone to do something. For example “begin maar” (please start / feel free to start).
3: “Toch” is more complex. It has two different meanings. It can show irritation “ga toch zitten” (go sit down, for heavens sake). But it can also be used to confirm something “je komt toch ook?” (you’re coming too, right?)
Judith: We'll cover more particles as they come up.


Judith: That just about does it for today.
Peter: Listeners, do you know the powerful secret behind rapid progress?
Judith: Using the entire system.
Peter: Lesson notes are an important part of this system.
Judith: They include a transcript and translation of the conversation...
Peter: ...key lesson vocabulary...
Judith: and detailed grammar explanations.
Peter: Lesson notes accompany every audio or video lesson.
Judith: Use them on the site or mobile device or print them out.
Peter: Using the lesson notes with audio and video media, will rapidly increase your learning speed.
Judith: Go to DutchPod101.com, and download the lesson notes for this lesson right now.
Judith: See you next time!

