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Main Audio Recording Template (Upper Beginner Season 1 , Lesson 7 - Planning a Birthday Party in the Netherlands)


Peter: Goedendag , mijn naam is Peter!
Judith: Judith here! Upper Beginner Season 1 , Lesson 7 - Planning a Birthday Party in the Netherlands
Judith: Hello, and welcome to DutchPOD101.com, where we study modern Dutch in a fun, educational format!
Peter: So, brush up on the Dutch that you started learning long ago, or start learning today.
Judith: Thanks for being here with us for this lesson, Peter, what are we looking at in this lesson?
Judith: In this lesson you'll will learn how to say dates in Dutch.
Peter: This conversation takes place on a street in Amsterdam.
Judith: The conversation is between Paul and Marleen.
Peter: The speakers are neighbours, therefore they will be speaking informal Dutch.
Judith: Let’s listen to the conversation.
Marleen: Ik ben morgen jarig. Kom je op mijn verjaardagsfeestje?
Paul: Wat is de datum morgen?
Marleen: Het is de dertiende. Het is dertien december.
Paul: Ik ben op de vijftiende jarig, op vijftien december. Wat toevallig! Ik zet meteen jouw verjaardag op de verjaardagskalender.
Marleen: Mijn geboortedatum is dertien december negentiennegenenzeventig.
Paul: Dus je bent twee jaar ouder dan ik.
Marleen: Komen je ouders op je verjaardag?
Paul: Nee, die wonen te ver weg. Maar ze komen in mei. Ze komen op vier mei.
Marleen: Op vier mei is het dodenherdenking en op de vijfde is het Bevrijdingsdag. Dat kunnen ze dan meemaken.
Paul: Hoe laat begint je verjaardagsfeest?
Marleen: Rond zeven uur. Tot morgen!
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Marleen: Ik ben morgen jarig. Kom je op mijn verjaardagsfeestje?
Paul: Wat is de datum morgen?
Marleen: Het is de dertiende. Het is dertien december.
Paul: Ik ben op de vijftiende jarig, op vijftien december. Wat toevallig! Ik zet meteen jouw verjaardag op de verjaardagskalender.
Marleen: Mijn geboortedatum is dertien december negentiennegenenzeventig.
Paul: Dus je bent twee jaar ouder dan ik.
Marleen: Komen je ouders op je verjaardag?
Paul: Nee, die wonen te ver weg. Maar ze komen in mei. Ze komen op vier mei.
Marleen: Op vier mei is het dodenherdenking en op de vijfde is het Bevrijdingsdag. Dat kunnen ze dan meemaken.
Paul: Hoe laat begint je verjaardagsfeest?
Marleen: Rond zeven uur. Tot morgen!
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Marleen: Ik ben morgen jarig. Kom je op mijn verjaardagsfeestje?
Judith: Tomorrow is my birthday. Will you come to my little birthday party?
Paul: Wat is de datum morgen?
Judith: What is tomorrow's date?
Marleen: Het is de dertiende. Het is dertien december.
Judith: It's the thirteenth. It is December thirteenth.
Paul: Ik ben op de vijftiende jarig, op vijftien december. Wat toevallig! Ik zet meteen jouw verjaardag op de verjaardagskalender.
Judith: My birthday is on the fifteenth, on December fifteenth. What a coincidence! I'll put your birthday on the birthday calendar at once.
Marleen: Mijn geboortedatum is dertien december negentiennegenenzeventig.
Judith: My birthdate is December thirteenth, 1975.
Paul: Dus je bent twee jaar ouder dan ik.
Judith: So you are two years older than I am.
Marleen: Komen je ouders op je verjaardag?
Judith: Are your parents coming for your birthday?
Paul: Nee, die wonen te ver weg. Maar ze komen in mei. Ze komen op vier mei.
Judith: No, they live too far away. But they're coming in May. They're coming on May fourth.
Marleen: Op vier mei is het dodenherdenking en op de vijfde is het Bevrijdingsdag. Dat kunnen ze dan meemaken.
Judith: May fourth is Memorial Day. On the fifth, it's Liberation Day. They can take part in that.
Paul: Hoe laat begint je verjaardagsfeest?
Judith: What time does your birthday party start?
Marleen: Rond zeven uur. Tot morgen!
Judith: Around seven o'clock. See you tomorrow!
Post Conversation Banter
Judith: Okay, so maybe we should talk for a culture point about this May 5th and May 6th. What’s actually happening, what are those dates?
Peter: They are very important dates, referring to the Second World War. The Dutch have been occupied by the Germans between 1940 and 1945. And to think of all the war crimes and of all the victims 1: The 4th of May is Memorial Day (dodenherdenking). That’s the night when those who were lost during the Second World War are commemorated with two minutes silence. This happens at 8 o’clock at night. 2: May 5th has a more extravagant character. This is “Bevrijdingsdag” (Liberation Day). It is an official holiday but it is not an official day off. Whereas Queen's Day, that is just a few days before at April 30th, the national celebration, day is a paid day off, Liberation Day is usually only a holiday once every five years.
Vocabulary and Phrases
Judith: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Peter: datum [natural native speed]
Judith: date
Peter: da-tum [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: datum [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: ik ben jarig [natural native speed]
Judith: it's my birthday
Peter: ik ben jarig [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: ik ben jarig [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: toevallig [natural native speed]
Judith: accidental, random
Peter: toe-val-lig [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: toevallig [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: wat toevallig [natural native speed]
Judith: what a coincidence
Peter: wat toevallig [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: wat toevallig [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: zetten [natural native speed]
Judith: to put
Peter: zet-ten [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: zetten [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: oud [natural native speed]
Judith: old
Peter: oud [slowly]
Peter: oud [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: ouder dan [natural native speed]
Judith: older than
Peter: ou-der dan [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: ouder dan [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: te [natural native speed]
Judith: too (much)
Peter: te [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: te [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: te ver weg [natural native speed]
Judith: too far away
Peter: te ver weg [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: te ver weg [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: dodenherdenking [natural native speed]
Judith: Memorial Day
Peter: Do-den-her-den-king [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: dodenherdenking [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: Bevrijdingsdag [natural native speed]
Judith: Liberation Day
Peter: Be-vrij-dings-dag [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: Bevrijdingsdag [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: meemaken [natural native speed]
Judith: to take part in
Peter: mee-ma-ken [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: meemaken [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: rond [natural native speed]
Judith: around
Peter: rond [slowly]
Peter: rond [natural native speed]
Vocabulary and Phrase Usage
Judith: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Peter: The first word we’ll look at is....1. “Verjaardag” means birthday.
Judith: Everything related to a birthday, like the party (feest), present (cadeau), calendar (kalender) etc. is always preceded by the word “verjaardag,” but combined into one word. Peter: Thus, we get “verjaardagsfeest” (birthday party), “verjaardagscadeau” (birthday present), “verjaardagskalender” (birthday calendar). Remember that adding -je makes everything smaller or cuter, so “verjaardagsfeestje” is “a little birthday party”.
Judith: 2. The Dutch have a strange expression for “it's my birthday”. It is “ik ben jarig”. A word-for-word translation would be “I am year-old”. Using this expression, you can say “ik ben morgen jarig” (it's my birthday tomorrow), or “ik ben op de vijftiende jarig” (it's my birthday on the 15th).
Grammar Point
Grammar: The focus of this lesson is dates.
Judith: 1: In Dutch the months are not written with a capital letter. In English the dates are commonly separated with forward slashes beginning with the month (3/29/2012) but in Dutch they start with the day and use dashes (29-2-2012). So instead of having 3/29 for the 29th of March , you actually put them in the right order. 29-3 and then possibly -year.
Peter: 2: For dates, Dutch uses cardinal numbers. So we get, for example, “veertien november”
Judith: fourteen November and NOT fourteenTH.
Peter: 3: When the month is not given, we use ordinal numbers. An example, “mijn ouders komen op de veertiende” (my parents come on the 14th).
Judith: Note that Dutch ordinal numbers end in -de (veertiende, vijftiende, zestiende): 4: There are two main prepositions for dates “op” for days and “in” for years.
Peter: Examples: Ik ben op 14 maart jarig (My birthday is on the 14th of March). In 1998 was ik in Amsterdam. (In 1998 I was in Amsterdam)
Judith: So this actually mirrors the English usage. You say “in” for years (in 1998) and you say “on” or in Dutch “op” for days (on the 14th of March).
Peter: Exactly! And how we pronounce in the Netherlands the years also is similar to English. It is expressed in hundreds before the year 2000. So 1997 is “negentienhonderdzevenennegentig”. But like in English we also say more shortly “negentienzevenennegentig.(leaving out the hundred) 6: After the year 2000 it is expressed in thousands. 2007 is “tweeduizend zeven”, 2013 “tweeduizenddertien”


Judith: That just about does it for today.
Judith: Not enough time.
Peter: You're very busy.
Judith: We know. And that's why we have one click lesson downloads on iTunes!
Peter: Subscribe on iTunes.
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Judith: Go to iTunes, search with the phrase DutchPod101.com and click Subscribe.
Judith: See you next week!

